The GEOSS ten-year implementation plan forms the internationally
agreed work basis of the Group on Earth Observations. It was adopted
at the third Earth Observation Summit on 16 February 2005 in Brussels
by ministers and high government representatives. It is based on
many existing strategies of the various earth observation initiatives,
such as IGOS, the Integrated Global Observing Strategy, or CEOS,
the Committee for Earth Observing Satellites. Meanwhile more than
77 states, the European Commission and 56 international organisations,
dealing with earth observation support the plan. A reference document
for the GEOSS plan gives details for its implementation and serves
as framework for the annual workplans.
The GEOSS ten-year plan not only describes the organizational
structure, the GEO, but also uncovers current deficits and action
needed in the international earth observation as well as the benefits
within nine socio-economic areas, including:
- Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human-induced
- Understanding environmental factors affecting human health
and well-being,
- Improving management of energy resources,
- Understanding, assessing, predicting, mitigating, and adapting
to climate variability and change,
- Improving water resource management through better understanding
of the water cycle,
- Improving weather information, forecasting and warning,
- Improving the management and protection of terrestrial, coastal
and marine ecosystems,
- Supporting sustainable agriculture and combating desertification,
- Understanding, monitoring and conserving biodiversity.

Ten-Year Implementation Plan
Reference Document for the GEOSS Plan